The Picture Canyon Natural and Culture Preserve is located in Flagstaff, Arizona. Petroglyphs are found on boulders and the canyon walls about a half mile from the trailhead. To get there, you can enter ‘Picture Canyon Trailhead’ into your driving app and pick the one that is in Flagstaff. It should direct you from Flagstaff along Historic Route 66 for 1.8 miles from US-89 to where you will make a left turn onto the El Paso Flagstaff Road. From there it is 0.6 miles to the trailhead.
From the parking area follow the trail east across the creek. This should be the Tom Moody Loop. Hike along the east bank to where the trail begins turning and follow one of the social trails down into the canyon where you should start seeing some of the petroglyphs on both sides of the canyon. We marked a second point about a half mile away but don’t remember how we came about it so there may or may not be something there also.
Included with this post is the GPS file and map that we plan to use for our first visit. If you don't want to wait for us to get around to it feel free to try the GPS file and map for yourself. With no guarantee, of course, but they most often prove valuable for us.