The Lynx Creek Pueblo is a site near Prescott, Arizona that we haven’t visited yet. Found at the site at the end of a half mile long hike is the rubble pile ruins of what once was a 27 room pueblo surrounded by some outlying structures.
To get there you can enter ‘Lynx Creek Ruin Trailhead, Prescott, AZ’ into your driving app. It should direct you south on AZ-69S for 3.3 miles to the S Walker Road. After turning right it is another 1.5 miles to the Lynx Creek Road and another tenth of a mile to the trailhead.
Included with this post is the GPS file and map that we plan to use for our first visit. If you don't want to wait for us to get around to it feel free to try the GPS file and map for yourself. With no guarantee, of course, but they most often prove valuable for us.