
Oatman Petroglyphs

GPS planning file and map.

The Oatman Petroglyphs is a site near Gila Bend, Arizona that we haven't visited yet. To get there enter 'Oatman Family Gravesite' into your driving app for turn-by-turn directions. Once you pass the Painted Rocks site you will continue on the Rocky Point Road for about another 4.4 miles and turn left onto the S Oatman Road. The total distance from Gila Bend by this route is about 34 miles. There is another route where you stay on Interstate 8 until you get to Exit 87 and then drive north on the S Oatman Road for about 19.5 miles but this route having less pavement might be more time consuming.

Included with this post is the GPS file and map that we plan to use for our first visit. If you don't want to wait for us to get around to it feel free to try the GPS file and map for yourself. With no guarantee, of course, but they most often prove valuable for us.

Download GPS planning file: