The Nampaweap Petroglyphs are located in the Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument southwest of Fredonia, Arizona. Nampaweap means ‘foot canyon’ in Paiute. From the trailhead the route follows a small ravine with basalt outcroppings that leads to a half mile stretch where thousands of petroglyphs are found. (Watch for rattlesnakes.)
To get there from Fredonia simply enter ‘Nampaweap Petroglyph Trailhead, Arizona’ into your driving app. You will be routed down CR-109, the Mt. Trumbull Road, for about 41 miles and then onto CR-5, the Mt. Trumbull Loop Road, for about 9.9 miles, and then left for 1.1 miles to the trailhead. Enroute you will pass the turnoff to the Witches Pool Petroglyphs.
If your starting destination is other than Fredonia you might get unexpected directions from your driving app. From Colorado City you will probably be routed straight down CR-5 which is fine. From St. George you probably won’t get routed correctly. From St. George, you would want to take I-15 to UT-7 and then head south on CR-5 for about 66 miles.
Included with this post is the GPS file and map that we plan to use for our first visit. If you don't want to wait for us to get around to it feel free to try the GPS file and map for yourself. With no guarantee, of course, but they most often prove valuable for us.