
Little Creek Mesa

GPS planning file and map.

The Little Creek Mesa area is just north of the Utah/Arizona border between Colorado City, Arizona and Apple Valley, Utah. Within that area are several petroglyph sites, pithouses, at least 1 ruin, and several water glyphs. We haven’t been there yet but we made a GPX track and map using GPS coordinates that we got from Petry’s Rock Art of Arizona. 

If you enter ‘Little Creek Mesa Road Apple Valley, Utah’ into your driving app it should lead you to the W 400 N Road that branches off of UT-59 about 1.6 miles south of Apple Valley or 8.7 miles north of the Arizona State Line. From there I take it that you follow the road around to where there is a Little Creek Mesa sign and then turn right. Our GPS track should be very helpful to find each of the sites. 

Other nearby sites include the Canaan Wash Petroglyphs, Apple Valley Water Glyphs, the Lost Spring Mountain Water Glyph, and the Colorado City Water Glyphs.

Included with this post is the GPS file and map that we plan to use for our first visit. If you don't want to wait for us to get around to it feel free to try the GPS file and map for yourself. With no guarantee, of course, but they most often prove valuable for us.

Download GPS planning file: