
Gila Bend Mountain Geoglyphs

GPS planning file and map.

The Gila Bend Mountain Geoglyphs is a site near Gila Bend, Arizona that we haven't visited yet. To get there drive north out of Gila Bend on the US-80 Historic Route to the Gillespie Dam. On the west side of the dam turn left onto the Enterprise Road and head south. After about 1.5 miles there will be the mouth of a wash on the right side of the road. One option would be to find a place to pull off of the road near here and hike the remaining 3.5 - 3.7 miles to the geoglyphs. The other option would be to stay on the Enterprise Road until about the 2 mile point. It looks like a person could drive along the field on the right and get to an 4WD road that might get you a couple of miles closer. However you go about it once you get to the site a drone would come in handy to shoot the 3 geoglyphs. The middle one looks like a large man. The south one might be a bird or something like an 'X'.

Included with this post is the GPS file and map that we plan to use for our first visit. If you don't want to wait for us to get around to it feel free to try the GPS file and map for yourself. With no guarantee, of course, but they most often prove valuable for us.

Download GPS planning file: