Round Trip Distance: 0.75 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Elevation: 2111 - 2186 feet
Cellphone: 0-2 bars
Time: 30 mins.
Trailhead: Rainbow Vista
Fee: none
Attractions: colorful rocks, petroglyphs

The Rainbow Vista trail is located in the Valley of Fire State Park near Overton, Nevada. The trail follows a short loop through a small valley at the head of Fire Canyon where colorful pink and purple striations in the lighter colored sandstone create pleasant surroundings for a short hike. Several small arches, petroglyphs and scenic views of the deep red colors of Fire Canyon are equally appealing attractions.
The trailhead is at the crest of White Domes Road about 1.7 miles north of the Visitor Center.
As the trail leaves the parking area it passes through a picnic area.
On the cliffs to the left there are a few faded petroglyphs. Close examination of one of the panels reveals what looks like a giant fish.
A little more obvious are images like these concentric circles.
From there the trail continues through a gap in the cliffs.
The official trail is marked by cement cones although many people treat the area like an open space and tend to wander about.
The colorful rocks are on the left side of the area where fins of sandstone dominate the view. They even put up a trail marker with a camera icon. Maybe to draw peoples attention in that direction.
As the trail loops around there is an option to follow a route that climbs steeply on the left or to stay in the valley below.
Those that opt to make the climb are treated to some nice views of Fire Canyon and the surrounding area. This part of the trail is very primitive and may not be suitable for less experienced hikers.
There are also several small arches including the one used in the brochure for the Rainbow Vista trail.
The Rainbow Vista trail is a nice option in the Valley of Fire State Park that provides a good spot for a picnic and a short hike. The colorful sandstone makes a nice backdrop for photos of family and friends. And the petroglyphs, although worn and faded, are also a special bonus. If you would like to see it for yourself then all you have to do is 'Take a hike'.