One-way Distance: 1.2 miles
Difficulty: Easy
MTB Skill level:

Elevation: 1509 - 1519 feet
Cellphone: 3-5 bars
Time: 30 mins.
Trailhead: Barrier Free
Fee: none
Attractions: wildlife area

The E210 trail is located in the Reach 11 Recreation Area that borders the north side of the Central Arizona Project Canal. With 1,500 acres of open space the Reach 11 Recreation Area has 18 miles of multiple use trails that bisect its nearly 7 mile long and half mile wide expanse. The 1.2 mile E210 trail stretches between the Badger trail and the Ringtail trail in the area between 56th St. and the Scottsdale Road.
The Barrier Free trailhead is located on the east side of N. Tatum Blvd., in the 19,000 block, across from the Arizona Horse Lovers Park.
This post begins at the west end of E210 where it departs from the Badger trail about 2.8 miles from the Barrier Free trailhead on Tatum Blvd.
The hard packed multi use trail travels out in the open as it heads east from the Badger trail.
A detour takes the trail around a washed out spot where large gashes have opened up creating gullies in the otherwise flat bottom of the wash.
Nests of different sizes can be spotted in a few of the trees along the trail.
This hawk gave us something to watch on the day that we took the photos for this post.
Over the course of the trail the elevation only varies by 10 feet.
E210 comes to an end when it meets up with the Ringtail trail which at a little less than a half mile itself connects the E211N and E211S trails. From here going either way will allow for looping back to the trailhead or you can simply turn around and return the way you came. As an out and back from the Barrier Free trailhead the round trip distance will be about 8 miles. Not bad for a basically flat trail run, hike or spin on your mountain bike. If you would like to see it for yourself then all you have to do is 'Take a hike'.