One-way Distance: 0.3 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Skill level:

Elevation: 4388 - 4429 feet
Cellphone: 0-3 bars
Time: 15 mins.
Trailhead: Midway
Fee: none
Attractions: Easy beginner trail

The Magician trail is located in the Klonzo Mountain Biking Area north of Moab, Utah. The trail is in the South Section of the Klonzo trail system and is accessed from the Carousel loop. The Carousel, Wizard, Magician and Gypsy trails are all part of a subgroup of trials especially built with beginning mountain bike riders in mind although most everyone seems to enjoy making a casual roll through the area.
To get to the Klonzo area follow the directions for the Boondocks trail. For the Magician trail and the other trails in the South Section of the Klonzo area we drove past Parking Area A to the Midway trailhead. From there we followed the Midway trail down to the Carousel loop and the Magician trail.
The difference in elevation between the upper and lower ends of the Magician trail is just over 40 feet.
The trail varies between slickrock and red dirt.
As the trail cuts across the Carousel loop it follows a shallow wash.
Sometimes the scenery can be a little distracting.
We rode the Magician trail from top to bottom and then went on to ride the Gypsy trail. There were a couple of families that rode down the Wizard trail and then up the Magician. Their kids were having a fun time of it honing their skills on all of the trails. At the same time there were other mountain bikers that were riding the trails just to take a break from some of the harder ones like Topspin and the Roller Coaster. It is all fun and if you would like to see it for yourself then all you have to do is grab your bike or 'Take a hike'.