One-way Distance: 0.2 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Skill level:

Elevation: 4377 - 4409 feet
Cellphone: 0-3 bars
Time: 15 mins.
Trailhead: Midway
Fee: none
Attractions: Short beginner trail

The Gypsy trail is located in the Klonzo Mountain Biking Area north of Moab, Utah. The trail cuts across the southern end of the Carousel loop which is accessed by one of two spur trails that connect it to the Midway trail. The Carousel, Wizard, Magician and Gypsy trails are all part of a subgroup of trials especially built with beginning mountain bike riders in mind although most everyone seems to enjoy making a casual roll through the area.
Directions for getting to the Klonzo area can be found in the write up for the Boondocks trail. For this post we drove past Parking Area A and began at the Midway trailhead. From there we rode down the Midway trail to the Carousel loop and followed it around to the top of the Gypsy trail.
The Gypsy trail follows a wash in similar fashion as the Wizard and Magician trails.
Most of the trail travels over slickrock that is just a little bumpier than its sister trails.
At first glance it looked like the trail was crossing a dinosaur trackway which isn't all that uncommon in these parts. There are 2 trackway sites in the Klonzo area both of which are marked on the map.
The Carousel group along with the other trails in the south section were built during the second phase of construction in the Klonzo area. With over 20 trails that vary in skill level from beginner to advanced there is something for everyone. Don't be afraid to try out one of the more difficult trails. You can always push your bike over the spots that look harder than what you feel comfortable with. If you would like to see them for yourself then all you have to do is grab your bike or 'Take a hike'.