Round Trip Distance: 1.4 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Elevation: 5870 - 5921 feet
Cellphone: 2-4 bars
Time: 45 mins.
Trailhead: Dead Horse Point Visitor Center
Fee: $15/vehicle
Attractions: Scenic canyons, wildlife

The Intrepid Loop is located in Dead Horse Point State Park near Moab, Utah and the Island in the Sky District of Canyonlands National Park. Dead Horse Point State Park has about the same look and feel as a national park or monument. There is a Visitor Center with a gift shop and displays, a concession stand that has food and ice cream, a campground that is usually full (so make reservations) and a very nice picnic area at the point.
The Intrepid Trail System was created with mountain bikers in mind but the trails are also open to hikers. There are 3 progressively larger loops that make up the trail system: Intrepid Loop 1.1 miles - Great Pyramid Loop 4.2 miles - Big Chief Loop 9 miles. This hike makes use of 1 leg of the Intrepid Loop trail combined with the hiker only trail to form a unique hiking route to view the Colorado River Overlook. The Intrepid Loop begins at the north end of the Visitor Center parking area.
This picture was taken standing on the Intrepid Loop trail. In the background can be seen another sign that reads 'Hikers Only'. The Hikers Only trail travels closer to the rim than the Intrepid Loop trail and serves as the return route for this hike.
The Intrepid Loop trail is well worn and easy to follow. The trail has about 50 feet of elevation change where it climbs over a small hill.
Bare right at the first fork. The left fork leads to the Group Site and serves as the return route for the 3 main loop trails.
Bare right once again at the next junction and follow the signs for the Colorado River Overlook.
At this point get on the Hikers Only trail and follow it to the right back towards the Visitor Center.
From the overlook there is a good view of the Colorado River and basin with the Abajo Mountains on the horizon in the background.
A few deer make their home in the park. The deer eat the tender leaves of the bushes and get their water from the potholes when it rains. A small fawn had just darted out of view as this picture was taken.
The hikers only section of the trail is a little faint around the area of the overlook. There are a few small cairns to mark the route on the slickrock sections of trail. The closer you get to the Visitor Center the more prominent the trail becomes.
The Intrepid Loop serves well for campers that are looking for another place to hike and of course for mountain bikers. The trail sees far fewer hikers than the other trails which makes it ideal for anyone seeking a break from the crowds. If you would like to see it for yourself then all you have to do is 'Take a hike'.