One-way Distance: 1.2 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Elevation: 8809 - 8987 feet
Cellphone: 3-5 bars
Time: 30 mins.
Trailhead: Idarado
Fee: none
Attractions: Scenic river trail

The Idarado Legacy trail is located in Telluride, Colorado. The trail begins at the end of the San Miguel River trail where it continues upstream along the river for 1.2 miles until it comes to an end across the road from the Pandora Mill. The trail is interpretive in nature with kiosks that point out some of the rich mining history from Telluride's past.
The north end of the trail begins at the end of the San Miguel River trail. If it weren't for the kiosk you would never know that one trail had ended and the other had begun.
An old railroad bed left over from the Rio Grande Southern Railroad serves as the route that the trail follows.
One of the first notable sites that the trail passes is the Liberty Bell Mine and Mill where over 20 tons of gold was produced during the early 1900's.
There are a few places where the trail travels right on the shoulder of the road but for most of its distance it is secluded by trees and brush.
Mountain bikes will find the Idarado Legacy trail preferable to the narrow roadway where traffic can get very busy.
The trail comes to an end at the same spot where the road changes from pavement to gravel.
Across the road at the Pandora Mill there are still some signs of activity. The kiosk at the trails end mentions that there are plans to extend the Idarado Legacy Trail sometime in the near future. For now it is not only a beautifully scenic trail for a hike but an enriching experience for learning about the mining activity that first put Telluride on the map. If you would like to see it for yourself then all you have to do is 'Take a hike'.