One-way Distance: 0.2 miles
Difficulty: Easy
MTB Skill level:

Elevation: 6975 - 7045 feet
Cellphone: 2-5 bars
Time: 3 hrs. 45 mins.
Trailhead: Dennis Weaver
Fee: none
Attractions: singletrack

The Stagecoach trail is located in the Dennis Weaver Memorial Park near Ridgway, Colorado. The trail begins at the parking area along Riversage Drive where it climbs the side of the hill along an old stagecoach route. The Stagecoach trail provides access to all of the other trails on the north side of the roadway in the Dennis Weaver Memorial Park.
To get to the trailhead drive north on Highway 550 measuring 1.6 miles from the stoplight at Highway 550 in Ridgway. Turn left onto Riversage Drive at the signs for the Dennis Weaver Memorial Park. The parking area will be on the right after about a quarter mile.
The trail starts out heading north following a well packed singletrack that cuts a path through some low sagebrush and grass.
About 400 feet from the parking area the Axel's Loop trail begins on the left.
After passing Axel's Loop the Stagecoach trail begins a moderate climb along the side of the hill.
The hill has a lot of underlying river rock but the trail has plenty of dirt on the surface to keep it relatively smooth.
The climb gets a little steeper towards the end of the trail.
From its elevated position the trail offers scenic views of the Uncompahgre River that is flowing towards Ridgway Reservoir.
The Stagecoach trail comes to an end near a ridge where it connects with the Riversage Scenic Loop, Cimarron Loop and the San Juan Loop. Dennis Weaver Memorial Park has a half dozen or so short interconnecting trails that taken together can be hiked, mountain biked or ran for distances up to about 3 miles. Many of the locals begin from Ridgway and access the trails via the Uncompahgre River Walk which adds even more to the distance. If you would like to see it for yourself then all you have to do is grab your bike or 'Take a hike'.