One-way Distance: 0.2 miles
Difficulty: Easy
MTB Skill level:

Elevation: 7146 - 7221 feet
Cellphone: 1-4 bars
Time: 5 mins.
Trailhead: County Road 10
Fee: none
Attractions: Short alternative route

Squeeker is in the RAT-Ridgway Area Trails System near Ridgway, Colorado. The short trail branches off of The Maze trail near its upper end and runs down a semi-deep wash for about a quarter mile before reconnecting to The Maze near a junction with Rattus Maximus. At one point the trail makes a steep 10 foot drop into the wash that is followed by a high banking corner as it exits. An advanced level of mountain biking skills and a courageous attitude will probably come in handy with this intimidating trail feature.
The top of Squeeker begins about a hundred yards or so from the top of The Maze. The trail can be traveled in either direction but going downhill is undoubtedly the funnest option. The trail sign doesn't say mountain bikers only but the marker kind of suggests it. Maybe if you are hiking it would be safer at least to hike the trail from the bottom up and keep your ears open for approaching bikers.
The wash starts out shallow as the trail begins.
The first few dips are small rolling in and outs.
The trail crosses a nicely ramped boulder for some optional air time.
As the wash gets deeper so do the dips.
Soon up is a big dip that is sure to elicit a squeal or a 'squeek'. You can click on the picture to see it fullscreen for a better appreciation of it. The 10 foot drop followed suddenly by the sharp banked turn is exhilarating. It might be just as bad to go too slow as it would be to go too fast.
After the big dip the wash widens out and gets shallower for an easy finish.
Squeeker comes to a quick end as it rejoins The Maze at the same point that The Maze begins sharing routes with Rattus Maximus. The road that leads up to the gravel pit and down to County Road 10 is only about 20 yards away. Most of the trails in the area are easy to moderate so it is nice that the trail designers have thrown in a few options to appeal to the more advanced riders. If you would like to see it for yourself then all you have to do is grab your bike or 'Take a hike'.
NOTE: All trails are closed between December 1 to April 30.