One-way Distance: 2 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
MTB Skill level:

Elevation: 7209 - 7589 feet
Cellphone: 1-4 bars
Time: 30 mins.
Trailhead: County Road 10
Fee: none
Attractions: Fun downhill

Ratical is part of the RAT-Ridgway Area Trails System north of Ridgway, Colorado. The trail begins off of the Speedy Gonzales trail where it makes a 2 mile long downhill blast through a pinyon and juniper forest until it comes to an end at the Double Crosser trail. The trail includes dips and rollers, switchbacks and an optional boulder jump.
Ratical begins off of Speedy Gonzales about 1 tenth of a mile from the top of The Big Cheese trail.
The trail starts out traversing around the hillside through some oakbrush.
There are some nice views of Ridgway Reservoir along the top of the trail.
The fun starts when the trail gets around to the east side of the hill and begins its descent.
The trail quickly rolls around a nice wide switchback.
If you feel the need to catch some air you can launch your bike over a well ramped boulder.
Over the entire length of the trail there are about 11 switchbacks or sharp turns.
Hammer heads will probably catch a little air going over some of the dips.
At the 1.4 mile point there is a short spur that runs out to the Double Crosser trail.
From that point there are a couple more switchbacks and another half mile or so of descent downhill.
It all comes to an end at the 2 mile point where it meets up with the Double Crosser trail. Ratical can be ridden in either direction. Probably the best reason to ride it uphill would be so that you can turn around and ride it downhill. We followed Double Crosser to the right a short distance and rode the Plagueground next. The easiest way back up San Juan Ridge would be to take Double Crosser from here or after riding Plagueground. As far as Ratical goes it is well named because it is some radical fun. If you would like to see it for yourself then all you have to do is grab your bike or 'Take a hike'.
NOTE: All trails are closed between December 1 to April 30.