One-way Distance: 1.9 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
MTB Skill level:

Elevation: 7088 - 7348 feet
Cellphone: 1-3 bars
Time: 45 mins.
Trailhead: County Road 10
Fee: none
Attractions: Good singletrack

Double Crosser is in the RAT-Ridgway Area Trails System north of Ridgway, Colorado. The trail begins off of the Plagueground trail where it provides an easy route up the north side of San Juan Ridge. After making another connection with the Plagueground trail it passes a spur that runs over to Ratical. From there it continues its gradual ascent until it meets up with Rattus Maximus and comes to an end.
The lower end of Double Crosser begins near the half mile point from the lower end of the Plagueground trail.
It starts out climbing over a little hump in the hill.
After a short distance the trail comes to the point where the San Juan Ridge Road crosses the Ridgway State Park Boundary onto BLM land.
Twisted junipers and pinyon pines surround the trail as it continues south.
At the 4 tenths of a mile point Double Crosser passes the spot where the upper end of the Plagueground trail begins.
A short distance later the trail crosses the road once again.
As the trail continues its gentle ascent up the ridge along the west side of the road the trees thin out and the trail travels more out in the open.
Just under the 1 mile point there is a short spur that runs back to the road and over to the Ratical trail.
The oakbrush and trees get a little thicker as the trail finishes its last bit of climbing.
When Double Crosser gets to the crest of the ridge it meets up with Rattus Maximus and comes to an end. Going to the left at this point will lead to the Four Corners intersection where The Big Cheese and Rattus Maximus meet up. To the right there are lots of downhill options to get back to the trailhead. Double Crosser is the perfect trail to combine with Ratical to make a fun loop and the easiest way up the north side of the mountain. If you would like to see it for yourself then all you have to do is grab your bike or 'Take a hike'.
NOTE: All trails are closed between December 1 to April 30.