One-way Distance: 0.6 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Skill level:

Elevation: 5870 - 5894 feet
Cellphone: 4-5 bars
Time: 30 mins.
Trailhead: Wulfsohn or Red Mountain
Fee: none
Attractions: Easy connector

The Olson trail is located in the Wulfsohn Mountain Park in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. The south end of the trail begins off of the Red Mountain/Jeanne Golay trail near its trailhead where it travels around the side of the mountain toward the north where it comes to an end at the Wulfsohn trail. The Olson trail servers as an easy connector between Red Mountain and the Wulfsohn Mountain Park.
The description for this post begins at the south end of the trail and ends at the Wulfson trailhead since that was the only end of the trail that had a trail sign. We actually began at the north end of the trail and rode it round trip as can be seen from the slideshow at the end of the post.
The entire length of the Olson trail is an easy singletrack.
The trail has such a minor elevation change that it appears to have been the path of an irrigation ditch sometime in the past.
There are a couple of places where the trail is narrow and there isn't much room on the drop off side of the trail. It is easy to get going pretty fast on the trail so it is something to be aware of.
Stunning views of Mount Sopris can be had from the elevated vantage point of the Olson trail.
A variety of wildflowers decorate the mountain side along the trail.
The north end of the trail comes to an end at the Wulfsohn trail where you can continue straight ahead on that trail and access the rest of the trails in the Wulfsohn Mountain Park or go to the right and drop down to the trailhead at the Glenwood Community Center.
There are trails that are suitable for all skill levels of riders in the Wulfsohn Mountain Park. The Olson trail is probably the easiest of all of them. A good outing for younger riders, or anyone else that is in the beginner to intermediate stage, could include the Olson trail combined with the first part of the Wulfsohn trail making a loop with the Vander Hoofin'it. Other than that the Olson trail is a fun way to get from Red Mountain to the Wulfsohn area. If you would like to see it for yourself then all you have to do is 'Take a hike'.