Round Trip Distance: 3.3 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Skill level:

Elevation: 4707 - 5073 feet
Cellphone: 0-4 bars
Time: 1 hrs. 30 mins.
Trailhead: Mega Steps
Fee: none
Attractions: Scenic trail

The Nome trail is located in the Klondike Bluffs Area north of Moab, Utah. The trail begins off of the Dino-Flow trail and climbs the bluffs to the Alaska trail where it makes a loop out above the Dinosaur Stomping Ground and back to the Alaska trail and comes to an end. For this post we began at the Mega Steps trailhead and rode north on the Dino-Flow trail to where the Nome trail begins. For the return route we followed the Alaska trail south to its junction with the Mega Steps trail and returned to the trailhead from there. With so many interconnecting trails the choice of routes is impressive.
To get to the trailhead either drive 23 miles north of Moab or about 9 miles south from Crescent Junction on Highway 191 and turn east at the North Klondike Bluffs sign. Follow the dirt road for about 1 mile to a fork. Stay to the right at the fork and follow the unmarked Copper Ridge Road to the trailhead. The road is easily passable for passenger vehicles when it is dry but after a hard rain it can be difficult in places for any vehicle. Currently the only restroom in the Klondike Bluffs Area is an outdoor privy located at the Copper Ridge trailhead.
From the Mega Steps trailhead follow the route behind the kiosk across the grassy flats where it drops over a small hill and meets up with the Dino-Flow trail at about the 0.3 mile point. This is the point where the loop begins for this post.
Follow the Dino-Flow trail north to about the 0.6 mile point to the beginning of the Nome trail.
The Nome trail is marked with blue paint. There is an initial climb as the trail heads east away from the valley floor. Most of this section of trail is across uneven slickrock.
The elevation gain becomes much more gradual as the slickrock begins giving way to dirt.
The Nome trail reaches the Alaska trail at the 1.16 mile point. From here it jogs to the right and shares the route with the Alaska trail for less than a hundred yards.
As the Nome trail loops away from the Alaska trail it continues a gradual climb over slickrock interspersed with sections of dirt.
Near the 1.6 mile point the trail is pretty much at its high point and begins looping toward the south.
From here it picks a fun route through shallow washes and around rocky outcrops.
Portions of the Dinosaur Stomping Ground can be seen from several vantage points.
As the trial begins looping back to the west it comes to its only real technically challenging points where the rock is a bit more broken and uneven.
The Nome trail comes to an end at the 2.58 mile point. We take it since the sign here says 'Nome Exit' that the suggestion is to ride the trail in the clockwise direction as we did. From here we went to the left and at the 2.81 mile point reached the Mega Steps trail and followed it downhill and back to the trailhead.
One especially nice thing about the Klondikes Bluffs Area is that there are trail maps located at each of the trailheads and at each trail junction. Some of the newest trails might not show up on every map though. Primitive camping is allowed anywhere along the roads that aren't marked otherwise. Be sure to bring a portable toilet with you. There isn't a sign that says that it is required like most of the other places around Moab but you will still need it. The Nome trail is well worth checking out. If you would like to see it for yourself then all you have to do is grab your bike or 'Take a hike'.