Round Trip Distance: 5.3 miles
Difficulty: Moderate +
Skill level:
Elevation: 4687 - 5253 feet
Cellphone: 0-4 bars
Time: 2 hrs.
Trailhead: Mega Steps
Fee: none
Attractions: Mega fun
The Mega Steps trail is located in the Klondike Bluffs Area north of Moab, Utah. The trail begins at the Mega Steps trailhead and climbs the bluff to a ridge overlooking the Salt Valley. From there it travels south along the ridge to the North Baby Steps trail where it comes to an end. The Mega Steps trail is intersected by the Dino-Flow, EKG and Alaska trails. Together the various trails make many different route combinations available so that each new ride can be a little different from the last.
To get to the trailhead either drive 23 miles north of Moab or about 9 miles south from Crescent Junction on Highway 191 and turn east at the North Klondike Bluffs sign. Follow the dirt road for about 1 mile to a fork. Stay to the right at the fork and follow the unmarked Copper Ridge Road to the trailhead. The road is easily passable for passenger vehicles when it is dry but after a hard rain it can be difficult in places for any vehicle. There is also a parking area near the fork for the Chilkoot Pass trail and another a little further toward the Mega Steps trailhead for the Agate and Jasper Loops.
Follow the trail behind the kiosk that heads toward the bluffs. The trail will drop over a small hill and cross a wash where it meets up with the Dino-Flow trail. From here you can see the Mega Steps trail marker and map a little further away on the right.
The Mega Steps trail is marked with light green stripes of paint. As it begins climbing the hill the hiking trail to the Dinosaur Stomping Ground forks off on the left.
The slickrock is a little rough but the climb isn't too bad. There is nothing really very technical to overcome. Mostly just lots of bumps and a few rock ledges.
The trail comes to a 4-way intersection at the half mile point measuring from the parking area. The Alaska trail departs on the left with connections to the Nome and Homer trails, while the EKG trail begins on the right.
From the junction the trail continues to climb for awhile at about the same grade as it did to that point but it soon levels somewhat and begins coursing along the shallow drainages.
The Klondike Bluffs have a lot of hidden little valleys scattered throughout them where after an initial climb to reach them the riding mellows out quite a bit.
There are no water sources in the Klondike Bluffs. There are little pockets and potholes that hold small amounts of water temporarily. It is best to be sure and bring plenty of water with you and leave what might be there for the wildlife.
The trail reaches the ridge crest at just over the 2 mile point where it is joined by the upper end of the Alaska trail. From here the Mega Steps trail continues south along the ridge.
For the rest of the way the trail travels along the ridge but not right next to it. For the most part it weaves its way around the backside of the ridges features and only comes out to the edge once or twice where there are excellent views of the Salt Valley.
At the 3 1/4 mile point the Mega Steps trail comes to an end at the North Baby Steps trail. For this post we took the right fork and headed back down the hill.
North Baby Steps practically makes a beeline down the mountain. It is just straight enough that it is probably the shortest route up and down the bluffs.
At the 4.3 mile point it is intersected by the EKG trail. We talked with a few riders that sometimes take the EKG trail from here back over to the Mega Steps trail and head back to the trailhead from there.
At the 4.4 mile point North Baby Steps crosses the Dino-Flow trail which opens up another possible route back to the Mega Steps trailhead. For this post we continued straight ahead to the Copper Ridge Road.
From the Dino-Flow trail it is less than 2 tenths of a mile on out to the Copper Ridge Road and 7 tenths of a mile from there to the Mega Steps trailhead. We made the ride for this post on the same winter day as the Alaska trail. The sky was mostly overcast but the temperature was in the lower 40's F. Mega Steps seems to be one of the more popular trails in the area for people headed up the bluffs. It gives you a pretty good workout without killing you in the process. If you would like to see it for yourself then all you have to do is grab your bike or 'Take a hike'.