Round Trip Distance: 1 mile
Difficulty: Easy
Elevation: 9348 - 9423 feet
Cellphone: 0 bars
Time: 1 hr.
Trailhead: Weller Lake
Fee: none
Attractions: Scenic river trail, fishing

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The Roaring Fork River trail is located near the Weller Campground east of Aspen, Colorado in the White River National Forest. The trail begins off of the Weller Lake trail and follows the Roaring Fork River upstream for about a half mile. Several spots along the trail provide access for fishermen and anyone looking to reflect upon the beautiful mountain setting.
The Weller Lake trailhead is about 8 miles east of the town of Aspen across Highway 82 from the Weller Campground.
From the trailhead the route crosses a new bridge over the Roaring Fork River.
After crossing the bridge and hiking a short distance the trail splits with the right fork leading up to Weller Lake and the left fork heading up the south side of the river.
The trail is well worn and easy to follow.
Another smaller bridge conveys hikers over a small seasonal stream that feeds into the Roaring Fork River.
Several side trails provide access to the river for fishermen and anyone wanting to enjoy the scenic views and peaceful setting.
Near the end of the trail the route follows a section of the old stage road that led over Independence Pass.
The stagecoach crossed the river at this spot where a bridge once spanned the river.
In the same area the canyon becomes too narrow and rugged to continue any further.
This tranquil part of the river where the waters are flowing gently through the canyon is about as peaceful a place as you can find anywhere.
The Roaring Fork River trail is a good option for a family hike and anyone else looking for a short and easy place to hike. It is also fun to imagine a stagecoach passing through the area. We've heard they had to change horses 3 times to get over the pass. If you would like to see it for yourself then all you have to do is 'Take a hike'.