
Utah Ruins & Rock Art Sites

Site Nearby GPS
10 Room Ruin Monticello 38.00595, -109.85875
100 Hands Cave Richfield 38.57808, -112.32749
100 Hands Petroglyphs Escalante 37.77736, -111.42213
17 Room Ruin Bluff 37.27161, -109.49418
3 Kings Petroglyphs Vernal 40.53974, -109.62967
45 Degree Rock Price 39.19738, -110.74907
5 Kiva Pueblo Blanding 37.591, -109.50125
7 Kiva Ruin Blanding 37.39493, -109.82335
All American Man Monticello 38.03535, -109.74954
Alter Cave St. George 37.31623, -113.09889
Anasazi State Park Boulder 37.91083, -111.42362
Anasazi/Tempi' po' op St. George 37.15397, -113.70463
Ancient Native American Granary Kanab 37.14032, -112.53635
Apple Valley Water Glyph I Apple Valley 37.01565, -113.08968
Apple Valley Water Glyph II Apple Valley 37.01715, -113.08528
Arch Canyon Ruin Blanding 37.54685, -109.67165
Archeology Trail Springdale 37.19925, -112.98514
Armstrong Canyon Ruins Blanding 37.58652, -110.01964
Ascending Sheep Panel Moore 38.94816, -111.10996
Atlatls Panel Bluff 37.28463, -109.53204
Aztec Butte Ruin I Moab 38.39558, -109.87957
Aztec Butte Ruin II Moab 38.39767, -109.87501
Azted Butte Ruin III Moab 38.39744, -109.87379
Babylon Petroglyphs Huricane 37.20282, -113.34907
Balance Rock Site Wellington 39.80005, -110.34305
Ballroom Cave Ruin Blanding 37.5358, -109.64091
Banister House Blanding 37.41572, -110.14431
Bartlett Rock Art Site Moab 38.63301, -109.81787
Bear Clan Petroglyphs St. George 37.02139, -113.45626
Beef Big Ruins Monticello 37.94653, -109.92952
Beef Basin Crude Hilltop Ruin Monticello 37.97338, -109.92178
Beef Basin Double Ruin Monticello 37.9471, -109.90512
Beef Basin Fragile Cave Ruin Monticello 37.97282, -109.84877
Beef Basin Granary Monticello 37.96348, -109.94945
Beef Basin Granary Monticello 37.94653, -109.90461
Beef Basin Granary Monticello 37.96348, -109.94951
Beef Basin Perfect Granaries Monticello  
Beef Basin Pueblo Monticello 37.95264, -109.90256
Beef Basin Ridge Ruin I Monticello 37.94837, -109.93808
Beef Basin Ridge Ruin II Monticello 37.94846, -109.93871
Beef Basin Road P1 Monticello 38.07379, -109.57827
Beef Basin Road P10 Monticello 38.03723, -109.59091
Beef Basin Road P2 Monticello 38.06675, -109.5772
Beef Basin Road P3 Monticello 38.06675, -109.57774
Beef Basin Road P4 Monticello 38.06656, -109.57791
Beef Basin Road P5 Monticello 38.02921, -109.59686
Beef Basin Road P6 Monticello 38.03581, -109.59251
Beef Basin Road P7 Monticello 38.03515, -109.59283
Beef Basin Road P8 Monticello 38.04058, -109.58851
Beef Basin Road P9 Monticello 38.04158, -109.58983
Beef Basin Rockshelter Butte Monticello 37.96082, -109.89319
Beef Basin Rubble Mound Ruins Monticello 37.95164, -109.93559
Beef Basin Ruin Monticello 37.96365, -109.94918
Beef Basin Turner Spring Pics Monticello 37.96665, -109.85698
Beef Basin Wash Cliff Dwelling Monticello 37.94626, -109.84835
Best Friends Animal Preserve Kanab 37.14654, -112.54137
Big Crane Petroglyph Bluff 37.29152, -109.6462
Big Feet Panel Blanding 37.5712, -109.65961
Big Foot Ruin Blanding 37.58353, -109.99855
Big Hole Wash Green River 39.14539, -110.48438
Big Pocket Cliff Dwellings Monticello 38.00306, -109.7468
Bighorn Panel Bluff 37.31547, -110.01688
Bighorn Panel Escalante 37.77732, -111.42085
Bighorn Ruins Blanding 37.58353, -109.99855
Birthing Cave Gunlock 37.27938, -113.84779
Birthing Cave St. George 37.31517, -113.10039
Birthing Scene Moab 38.52196, -109.60279
Black Dragon Petroglyphs Green River 38.94381, -110.42701
Black Dragon Pictographs Green River 38.94299, -110.42435
Black Rock Petroglyphs Price 39.1558, -110.7239
Black Wall Petroglyphs St. George 37.1848, -113.62667
Bloody Hands Gap Hanksville 38.16834, -111.03278
Bloomington Petroglyph Park Bloomington 37.05259, -113.61552
Bluff Great House Bluff 37.28702, -109.55651
Bradford Canyon Ruin Blanding 37.58598, -109.26932
Broken Hearted Man Moore 38.95364, -111.01132
Buckhorn Wash Pictographs Green River 39.12359, -110.6938
Bullet Canyon Pictographs Blanding 37.42803, -109.95812
Bullet Canyon Tower Blanding 37.42911, -109.95952
Butler Wash Ruin 1 Blanding 37.53671, -109.64033
Butler Wash Ruin 2 Blanding 37.53814, -109.64106
Butler Wash Ruin 3 Blanding 37.5401, -109.64401
Butler Wash Ruins Blanding 37.52533, -109.63969
Butte Ruins Monticello 38.00737, -109.92644
Butterfly Bend Bench Boulder Green River 38.95557, -110.15213
Butterfly Bend Main Boulders Green River 38.95611, -110.15366
Buttler Wash Granary Blanding 37.5299, -109.63773
Cajon Blanding 37.2983, -109.18354
Calf Canyon Alcove 1 Green River 39.12827, -110.64957
Calf Canyon Alcove 2 Green River 39.12851, -110.64884
Calf Canyon Tower Monticello 37.92891, -109.87925
Campground Pictographs Hanksville 38.65727, -110.65836
Cane Wash Pictographs Green River 39.09212, -110.73143
Canyon Overlook P1 Richfield 38.57883, -112.33234
Canyon Overlook P2 Richfield 38.57933, -112.33165
Canyon Overlook P3 Richfield 38.57941, -112.33152
Caprock Pictographs Bluff 37.31619, -110.01721
Caprock Ruin Bluff 37.316, -110.019
Castle Ruin Blanding 37.41917, -110.35686
Castle/Tower Ruin Monticello 38.00424, -109.89838
Catchment Ruins Monticello 38.00726, -109.86905
Cave of a Hundred Hands Richfield 38.57808, -112.32749
Cave Spring Pictographs Monticello 38.15663, -109.75369
Cave Towers Blanding 37.52618, -109.73152
Cedar Point Basketmaker Pet Bluff 37.21723, -109.95699
Cedar Point Dancers Panel Bluff 37.23691, -109.9559
Cedar Point P1 Bluff 37.24313, -109.94538
Cedar Point P2 Bluff 37.2316, -109.95505
Cedar Point P3 Bluff 37.22597, -109.95113
Cedar Point Tipped Over Pets Bluff 37.22823, -109.95234
Chicken Corners Pet Boulder Moab 38.49622, -109.60723
Circle of Life Pictographs Escalante 37.76545, -111.71174
Citadel Ruin Bluff 37.38861, -109.80777
Coal Canyon P1 Green River 39.04614, -110.03521
Coal Canyon P2 Green River 39.04759, -110.03644
Coal Canyon P3 Green River 39.04796, -110.03598
Coal Canyon P4 Green River 39.04862, -110.03624
Cold Spring Cave Blanding 37.36593, -109.64011
Collins Spring/Banister House Blanding 37.41572, -110.14431
Comb Ridge Ruin 1 Bluff 37.37918, -109.64609
Comb Wash Petroglyphs 1 Blanding 37.3726, -109.6553
Comb Wash Petroglyphs 2 Blanding 37.38172, -109.65661
Comb Wash Petroglyphs 3 Blanding 37.40292, -109.6557
Comb Wash Pueblo Blanding 37.50605, -109.66098
Comet Thrower Moab 38.62847, -109.87344
Cottonwood Springs Petroglyphs Hanksville 38.68497, -110.39974
Cottonwood Wash P1 Green River 39.08104, -110.4391
Cottonwood Wash P2 Green River 39.08044, -110.44393
Cottonwood Wash P3 Green River 39.08052, -110.44426
Counting Panal Hanksville 38.25512, -110.82853
Court of Ceremonies Richfield 38.57886, -112.33494
Courthouse Wash Rock Art Moab 38.60714, -109.58122
Covered Wagon Ruin Blanding 37.53855, -109.24149
Cowboy Cave Hanksville 38.31689, -110.20297
Cowboy Cave Moab 38.82409, -109.40074
Coyote Canyon Blanding 37.46853, -109.97191
Crescent Junction P1 Crescent 38.97244, -109.80968
Crescent Junction P2 Crescent 38.97247, -109.80979
Crescent Junction P3 Crescent 38.97261, -109.80959
Crescent Junction P4 Crescent 38.97231, -109.80787
Crescent Junction P5 Crescent 38.97167, -109.80816
Crescent Junction P6 Crescent 38.97272, -109.80762
Crescent Junction P7 Crescent 38.97284, -109.80809
Cub Creek Petroglyphs Vernal 40.42007, -109.18566
Da Vinci Panel St. George 36.9743, -113.72817
Daisy Chain Panel Price 39.19854, -110.75264
Davis Canyon 5 Faces Pics Monticello 38.06552, -109.68632
Davis Canyon Log Ruin Monticello 38.05362, -109.70145
Davis Canyon Road Granary Monticello 38.07279, -109.68058
Defiance House Lake Powell 37.54611, -110.58516
Devil's Canyon Blanding 37.74037, -109.40455
Dirty Devil River P1 Hanksville 38.357, -110.59059
Dirty Devil River P2 Hanksville 38.34544, -110.54638
Doll House Ruin Blanding 37.76888, -109.95782
Double Granaries Blanding 37.56809, -109.25767
Double Stack Ruin Bluff 37.31939, -109.63715
Double Stack Wikiup Bluff 37.31924, -109.63273
Dragon Fly Panel Hanksville 38.35279, -110.18693
Drought Panel Richfield 38.58258, -112.29664
Dry Wash Cliff Dwelling Blanding 37.4733, -109.69049
Dry Wash Overlook Blanding 37.46139, -109.7079
Dry Wash Petroglyphs I Moore 38.9535, -111.00928
Dry Wash Petroglyphs II Moore 38.95367, -111.00881
Dry Wash Petroglyphs III Moore 38.95611, -111.00732
Dry Wash Ruin Blanding 37.43190, -109.70730
Dry Wash Ruins Blanding 37.79614, -109.55308
Eardley Pools Hanksville 38.7867, -110.49281
East Canyon Pictographs Cisco 39.38523, -109.23037
Echo Falls St. George 36.98936, -113.72
Echo Falls Petroglyphs St. George 36.98936, -113.72
Edge of the Cedars Blanding 37.63109, -109.48975
Emergence Panel Bluff 37.27458, -109.64634
Enepitsi (Ghost) Trail P1 Santa Clara 37.13651, -113.67805
Enepitsi (Ghost) Trail P2 Santa Clara 37.13683, -113.67859
Enepitsi (Ghost) Trail P3 Santa Clara 37.13706, -113.67906
Enepitsi (Ghost) Trail P4 Santa Clara 37.13765, -113.68272
Enepitsi (Ghost) Trail P5 Santa Clara 37.13875, -113.68849
Enepitsi (Ghost) Trail P6 Santa Clara 37.14, -113.69365
Enepitsi (Ghost) Trail P7 Santa Clara 37.1404, -113.69493
Enepitsi (Ghost) Trail P8 Santa Clara 37.14053, -113.69676
Enepitsi (Ghost) Trail P9 Santa Clara 37.14065, -113.69674
Enepitsi (Ghost) Trail Pictographs Santa Clara 37.1366, -113.68051
Ernie Canyon Hanksville 38.73145, -110.54262
Ernie Wash Hanksville 38.74586, -110.50274
Escalante River Granary I Escalante 37.77514, -111.41877
Escalante River Granary II Escalante 37.77696, -111.41793
Fable Valley Panel 1 Blanding 37.89949, -109.96842
Fable Valley Panel 2 Blanding 37.90430, -109.97677
Fable Valley Ruin 1 Blanding 37.89975, -109.96759
Fable Valley Ruin 2 Blanding 37.89771, -109.96777
Fable Valley Ruin View Blanding 37.91009, -109.98332
False Kiva Moab 38.41887, -109.92046
False Kiva & Petroglyphs Moab 38.52727, -109.59596
False Kiva P1 Moab 38.52718, -109.59557
False Kiva P2 Moab 38.52716, -109.59479
False Kiva P3 Moab 38.52722, -109.59435
Farnsworth Cyn Sunshine/Shadow Hanksville 38.68286, -110.6238
Ferron Box Moccasin Tracks Ferron 39.08607, -111.03761
Ferron Box Petroglyphs Ferron 39.08218, -111.02764
Ferron Box Pictographs Ferron 39.0933, -111.03217
Fishmouth Cave Bluff 37.42666, -109.64514
Fishmouth Ruin 1 Bluff 37.42776, -109.63527
Fishmouth Ruin 2 Bluff 37.42803, -109.63959
Fishmouth Ruin 3 Bluff 37.4281, -109.64061
Fishmouth Ruin 4 Bluff 37.42774, -109.64231
Five Kiva Pueblo Blanding 37.591, -109.50125
Flat Canyon Petroglyphs Wellington 39.6382, -110.01316
Flying Carpet Panel Monticello 38.10978, -109.76303
Fort Bottom Ruin Moab 38.45129, -110.035
Fort Pearce Heritage Site Pets St. George 37.00767, -113.41232
Fort Pearce Wash P1 St. George 37.00779, -113.41289
Fort Pearce Wash P2 St. George 37.00784, -113.41347
Fort Pearce Wash P3 St. George 37.00716, -113.41677
Fort Pearce Wash P4 St. George 37.0074, -113.41701
Fort Pearce Wash P5 St. George 37.00726, -113.41765
Fort Pearce Wash P6 St. George 37.00743, -113.4182
Fort Pearce Wash Red Man Pic St. George 37.00678, -113.42948
Fremont I-70 Shelter & Pics Green River 38.75991, -111.44995
Fremont Petroglyphs Torrey 38.28842, -111.24239
Fry Canyon Ruins Hanksville 37.64971, -110.15925
Ghost Panel Bluff 37.28525, -109.50396
Gold Bar Petroglyphs Moab 38.57917, -109.63488
Golf Course Pets/Moab Man Moab 38.53777, -109.47951
Government Trail Pictographs Blanding 37.44115, -110.11144
Grand Gulch Granary Blanding 37.41208, -110.15277
Grand Gulch Pictographs Blanding 37.41554, -110.15058
Grassy Creek Petroglyphs Green River 39.36097, -110.46523
Grassy Creek Ruins Green River 39.36144, -110.46646
Great Gallery Hanksville 38.44648, -110.21326
Great Stone Face Petroglyphs Delta 39.23435, -112.75409
Gunlock 3 Mile Site P1 Gunlock 37.2182, -113.77656
Gunlock P2 Gunlock 37.21844, -113.77678
Gunlock P3 Gunlock 37.21848, -113.77657
Gunlock P4 Gunlock 37.21866, -113.77635
Gunlock P5 Gunlock 37.21855, -113.77619
Gunlock P6 Gunlock 37.24289, -113.77677
Gunlock P7 Gunlock 37.28089, -113.84506
Harvest Scene Hanksville 38.22168, -109.99038
Head of Sinbad Pictographs Green River 38.88022, -110.77114
Hickman Bridge Granary Torrey 38.29072, -111.23136
Hickman Bridge Pithouse Torrey 38.28902, -111.22552
Hidden Image Bluff 37.28445, -109.53746
Hidden Panel Green River 39.15464, -110.72066
Hidden Valley End North Ridge Moab 38.54387, -109.55153
Hidden Valley End South Ridge Moab 38.543, -109.55049
Hidden Valley P I Moab 38.54275, -109.54419
Hidden Valley Ruin 1 Moab 38.54372, -109.54949
Hidden Valley Ruin 2 Moab 38.54388, -109.55195
HIdden Valley Start North Ridge Moab 38.54387, -109.55153
HIdden Valley Start South Ridge Moab 38.54252, -109.54558
Highway 128 MM 31.7 Pets Moab 38.82933, -109.28683
Highway 313 Petroglyphs Moab 38.65153, -109.72139
Highway 95 MM 106.7 Ruin Blanding 37.51296, -109.6626
Hilltop Ruin Monticello 38.00395, -109.9163
Hog Spring P1 Hanksville 37.96304, -110.49286
Hog Spring P2 Hanksville 37.96281, -110.49017
Honeycomb Ruin Blanding 37.5871, -109.25712
Horn Silver Gulch Rock Art Emery 39.03794, -110.95605
Horse Canyon Ruins Monticello 38.11968, -109.73891
Horse Rock Bluff 37.28549, -109.54252
Horsecollar Ruin Overlook Blanding 37.61279, -110.02182
Horseshoe Canyon Hanksville 38.44639, -110.21372
Hotel Rock Blanding 37.57225, -109.70293
House on Fire Blanding 37.54372, -109.74453
House Park Cave Ruin Monticello 37.97997, -109.86096
House Park Fragile Ruin Monticello 37.97282, -109.84877
House Park Junction Ruins Monticello 37.9805, -109.87416
House Park Turner Spring Pics Monticello 37.96665, -109.85698
Hovenweep Cajon Group Blanding 37.2983, -109.18354
Hovenweep Square Tower Group Blanding 36.05025, -107.9297
Imperfect Panel Hanksville 38.03299, -110.16912
Indian Creek Inscriptions & Pets Monticello 37.986, -109.51689
Indian Creek P1 Monticello 37.9917, -109.52195
Indian Creek P2.1 Monticello 38.02121, -109.53917
Indian Creek P2.2 Monticello 38.02144, -109.53983
Indian Creek P2.3 Monticello 38.02158, -109.54019
Indian Creek P3 Monticello 38.03173, -109.54067
Indian Creek Ruins Moab 38.23176, -109.81872
Innaccessible Alcove Hanksville 38.0511, -110.17563
Intestine Man Site Moab 38.64838, -109.72397
Iron Wah Pictographs Hanksville 38.70883, -110.56931
Iron Wash BCS Pictographs Hanksville 38.69639, -110.55169
Ivie Creek Petroglyphs 1 Emery 38.81517, -111.29266
Ivie Creek Petroglyphs 2 Emery 38.8179, -111.28731
Ivie Creek Pictographs Emery 38.75921, -111.4392
Ivie Creek Rock Shelter Emery 38.81871, -111.27572
Ivie Creek Shield Pictographs Emery 38.81682, -111.27231
Joe's Corral Bluff 37.22697, -109.67857
Johns Canyon Road  
Jug Handle Arch Pets 38.54857, -109.64789
All 4 Sides Boulder Bluff 37.28202, -109.99851
Broken Man Bluff 37.27859, -110.01441
Dotted Man Bluff 37.23214, -109.98888
Duckhead Panel Bluff 37.23831, -110.00181
Hunt Panel/Men on a Bus Bluff 37.28231, -109.99882
Inscription/Petroglyph Bluff 37.26111, -110.02478
P1 Bluff 37.28356, -109.99046
P2 Bluff 37.28175, -110.00016
P3 Bluff 37.28076, -110.00053
P4 Bluff 37.27728, -110.00403
P5 Bluff 37.27808, -110.00765
P6 Bluff 37.27327, -110.0255
P7 Bluff 37.26689, -110.03588
Rockshelter Petroglyphs Bluff 37.28204, -110.00969
Scattered Boulders Bluff 37.27092, -110.02815
The Obelisk Bluff 37.282, -109.9994
Jones Hole Deluge Rock Shelter Vernal 40.57466, -109.05712
Juggler Panel Moore 38.94618, -111.09232
Kachina Bridge Rock Art Blanding 37.60033, -110.03129
Kachina Panel Bluff 37.23338, -109.67004
Kane Gulch Ruin 1 Blanding 37.51129, -109.92543
Kane Gulch Ruin 2 Blanding 37.5132, -109.93137
Kane Spring Road P1 Moab 38.53081, -109.59493
Kane Spring Road P2 Moab 38.531, -109.59516
Kings Crown Petroglyphs Emery 39.06087, -111.02656
Lava Rock Mesa Enoch 37.82954, -113.03103
Lime Canyon 1 Blanding 37.37648, -109.89806
Lime Canyon 2 Blanding 37.37706, -109.89351
Lime Canyon 3 Blanding 37.37596, -109.87473
Lime Canyon 4 Blanding 37.3759, -109.87215
Lion's Mouth Cave Cedar City 37.59698, -113.37975
Little Black Mountain Pet Site St. George 36.98281, -113.50304
Little Cave Ruin Bluff 37.28519, -109.49566
Lock Hart Road Granary Monticello 38.21319, -109.67942
Lock Hart Road Painted Hands Monticello 38.21373, -109.6739
Lock Hart Road Pictograph Monticello 38.21558, -109.67881
Log Fence Pictographs Moab 38.77816, -109.88251
Lone Warrior Panel Green River 38.85315, -110.80346
Loop Ruins Moab 38.23176, -109.81872
Lower Butler Wash P1 Bluff 37.24787, -109.66005
Lower Butler Wash P2 Bluff 37.23758, -109.66558
Lower Butler Wash P3 Bluff 37.23702, -109.66391
Lower Butler Wash Ruin 1 Bluff 37.26099, -109.65557
Lower Butler Wash Ruin 2 Bluff 37.25156, -109.66312
Lower Butler Wash Ruin 3 Bluff 37.23951, -109.66448
Lower Calf Creek Falls Granaries Escalante 37.79708, -111.41215
Lower Calf Creek Pictographs Escalante 37.80665, -111.40999
Lower Chute Canyon Pets Hanksville 38.59418, -110.74977
Lower Fish Creek Ruin 1 Bluff 37.39074, -109.69104
Lower Fish Creek Ruin 10 Bluff 37.4041, -109.73035
Lower Fish Creek Ruin 2 Bluff 37.39247, -109.69425
Lower Fish Creek Ruin 3 Bluff 37.39371, -109.70236
Lower Fish Creek Ruin 4 Bluff 37.39811, -109.70753
Lower Fish Creek Ruin 5 Bluff 37.40288, -109.70525
Lower Fish Creek Ruin 6 Bluff 37.3942, -109.70969
Lower Fish Creek Ruin 7 Bluff 37.40181, -109.72069
Lower Fish Creek Ruin 8 Bluff 37.40069, -109.72186
Lower Fish Creek Ruin 9 Bluff 37.40736, -109.72677
Lower Mule Canyon Ruin 1 Blanding 37.50312, -109.66591
Lower Mule Canyon Ruin 2 Blanding 37.50387, -109.66606
Lower Mule Canyon Ruin 3 Blanding 37.50431, -109.66714
Lower Road Canyon Ruin 1 Blanding 37.35479, -109.71879
Lower Road Canyon Ruin 2 Blanding 37.35499, -109.7201
Lower Salt Creek Granary Monticello 38.12273, -109.74798
Lower San Rafael River P1 Green River 38.73205, -110.2037
Lower San Rafael River P2 Green River 38.73201, -110.2039
Magic Theatre Petroglyps Moab 38.52736, -109.59266
Many Hands Pictographs Escalante 37.78593, -111.389
Marinus Canon Petroglyphs Hanksville 37.95188, -110.47631
Maze Rock Art Site Kanab 36.98505, -112.02593
McClellan Wash Pithouses Hanksville 38.21931, -110.75953
McClellan Wash Ruins Hanksville 38.21593, -110.75873
McConkie Ranch Petroglyphs Vernal 40.54943, -109.63969
McKee Spring Petroglyphs Vernal 40.50831, -109.19751
Middle Earth Petroglyphs Moab 38.56652, -109.63058
Middle Park 10 Room Ruins Monticello 38.00595, -109.85875
Middle Park Catchment Ruins Monticello 38.00726, -109.86905
Middle Park Granary Monticello 38.00712, -109.8639
Middle Park Minor Ruin I Monticello 37.98874, -109.8898
Middle Park Minor Ruin II Monticello 37.9946, -109.88374
Middle Park Minor Ruin III Monticello 37.99304, -109.88122
Middle Park Perfect Granaries Monticello 38.00725, -109.86362
Middle Park Ruin Monticello 38.00741, -109.86264
Mill Creek Petroglyphs Moab 38.56557, -109.50104
Moab Dump P1 Moab 38.57323, -109.5219
Moab Dump P2 Moab 38.57295, -109.52163
Moab Dump P3 Moab 38.57253, -109.52123
Moab Dump P4 Moab 38.5723, -109.52101
Moab Dump P5 Moab 38.56938, -109.51625
Moab Dump P6 Moab 38.56931, -109.5161
Moab Grotto Moab 38.77613, -109.88304
Moab Maiden Moab 38.52942, -109.59846
Moab Mastadon Moab 38.55238, -109.58446
Moki Queen Pictograph Hanksville 37.96111, -110.48914
Molen Reef Petroglyphs Molen 38.94001, -111.11048
Molen Seep Panels Molen 39.01574, -111.06791
Monarch Cave Bluff 37.35815, -109.64287
Monarch Cave Wash Petroglyphs Bluff 37.35874, -109.63365
Montezuma Creek High Ruin Blanding 37.56834, -109.25782
Montezuma Creek P1 Blanding 37.50327, -109.23037
Montezuma Creek P2 Blanding 37.51185, -109.23656
Montezuma Creek Ruin 1 Blanding 37.5486, -109.24149
Moon House Blanding 37.43584, -109.79321
Moonflower Canyon Moab 38.55449, -109.58709
Moqui Fork Twin Alcoves Hanksville 38.3466, -110.17279
Moqui House Bluff 37.38173, -109.63831
Mule Canyon Kiva Blanding 37.53928, -109.74196
Mule Canyon Ruin 1 Blanding 37.55209, -109.75865
Mule Canyon Ruin 2 Blanding 37.55457, -109.76881
Mule Canyon Ruin 3 Blanding 37.55764, -109.76997
Muley Point Petroglyphs Bluff 37.23284, -109.99335
Mushroom Rock Petroglyphs Wellington 39.69034, -110.00876
Mussentuchit Wash Pets Green River 38.68515, -111.1947
Naming Cave Gunlock 37.27851, -113.84755
Navajo Rocks Ruin Bluff 37.42041, -109.66717
Nefertiti Green River 39.19534, -110.07685
Newspaper Rock St. George 36.975, -113.72775
Newspaper Rock Monticello 37.9882, -109.51853
Nine Mile Canyon  
4 Kings Wellington 39.808, -110.32974
Big Buffalo Site Wellington 39.78317, -110.13439
Cottonwood Cyn Petroglyphs Wellington 39.77776, -110.13564
Coyote Places the Stars Wellington 39.80836, -110.33021
Daddy Canyon Complex Wellington 39.78572, -110.16695
Dry Canyon Petroglyphs Wellington 39.7605, -110.1718
Dry Canyon Pictographs Wellington 39.77951, -110.17084
First Site Wellington 39.77982, -110.4249
Fremont Village Wellington 39.78418, -110.137
Great Hunt Panel Wellington 39.77923, -110.13524
MM 30.7 Wellington 39.80107, -110.36345
MM 31.9 Wellington 39.79957, -110.34494
MM 32.4 Wellington 39.80536, -110.34175
MM 37 P1 Wellington 39.81314, -110.27568
MM 37 P2 Wellington 39.81302, -110.27484
MM 37.5 P1 Wellington 39.81121, -110.27202
MM 37.5 Pictographs Wellington 39.81203, -110.27262
Owl Panel Wellington 39.81912, -110.31259
P1 Wellington 39.80778, -110.33102
P2 Wellington 39.81085, -110.24729
Sheep Canyon Pictographs Wellington 39.79739, -110.37911
North Fork Mule Canyon 1 Blanding 37.54843, -109.73251
North Fork Mule Canyon 2 Blanding 37.5514, -109.73636
North Fork Mule Canyon 3 Blanding 37.55378, -109.74178
North Fork Mule Canyon 4 Blanding 37.5535, -109.74238
North Fork Mule Canyon 5 Blanding 37.55913, -109.75289
North Wash Petroglyphs P1 Hanksville 38.01915, -110.54175
North Wash Petroglyphs P2 Hanksville 38.02015, -110.55538
North Wash Petroglyphs P3 Hanksville 38.02104, -110.55928
Ochre Alcove Hanksville 38.65138, -110.67615
Old Woman Wash P1 Hanksville 38.68181, -110.58813
Old Woman Wash P2 Hanksville 38.6822, -110.58988
Old Woman Wash P3 Hanksville 38.68489, -110.60049
Old Woman Wash P4 Hanksville 38.68218, -110.59433
Outer Room Ruin Bluff 37.38069, -109.63697
Over Under Ruins Bluff 37.64629, -109.6684
Overlooked Ruin Blanding 37.59051, -109.2587
Owl Panel Moab 38.52718, -109.60284
Painted Hands Pictographs Monticello 38.11578, -109.74129
Painted Hands Pictographs Bluff 37.38855, -109.63551
Painted Hands Ruin Bluff 37.38641, -109.64241
Pappy's Pasture Ruin Monticello 38.02693, -109.92535
Parade of Rock Art Richfield 38.5775, -112.33576
Parowan Gap Petroglyphs Parowan 37.90912, -112.9838
Peekaboo Springs Monticello 38.11446, -109.75507
Peekaboo Springs Granaries Monticello 38.11817, -109.75593
Perfect Panal Hanksville 38.02817, -110.16696
Perkins Road Ruins Blanding 37.57196, -109.44374
Petroglyph Canyon Green River 38.92747, -110.43425
Pine Spring Ruin Blanding 37.55036, -109.8057
Pine Valley Petroglphs P1 Pine Valley 37.40514, -113.52677
Pine Valley Petroglphs P1I Pine Valley 37.40511, -113.52717
Pleasant Creek Other Panels Torrey 38.18663, -111.17127
Pleasant Creek Pictographs Torrey 38.18495, -111.17163
Pleasant Creek Rock Main Panels Torrey 38.18643, -111.17261
Poison Spider Pets & Dino Tracks Moab 38.53383, -109.60839
Poison Spring Canyon P1 Hanksville 38.13086, -110.54265
Poison Spring Canyon P2 Hanksville 38.1266, -110.5195
Poison Spring Canyon P3 Hanksville 38.12421, -110.48833
Polly's Canyon Rim Blanding 37.44303, -110.10376
Polly's Island Ruin Blanding 37.44182, -110.11376
Potash Road Rock Art Moab 38.54466, -109.60026
Pothunters Alcove Bluff 37.33748, -109.64069
Prickly Pear Panal Green River 39.09775, -110.62139
Procession Panel Bluff 37.35054, -109.64891
Quitchupah Creek P2 Emery 38.89774, -111.35214
Quitchupah Creek P3 Emery 38.89889, -111.35199
Quitchupah Creek Rock Art Group Emery 38.89974, -111.35534
Railroad Rock Price 39.19901, -110.73885
Rainbow Canyon Cave Petroglyphs Cedar City 37.6824, -113.04647
Red Hole Draw Funks Cave Emery 39.00757, -110.96242
Red Hole Draw P1 Emery 39.00397, -110.96559
Red Hole Draw P2 Emery 39.00579, -110.96328
Red Hole Draw P3 Emery 39.00644, -110.96248
Riding Sheep Hanksville 38.28264, -110.865
River House Ruin Bluff 37.22307, -109.6879
River House Ruin P1 Bluff 37.22308, -109.68734
River House Ruin P2 Bluff 37.22293, -109.68932
Road Canyon Fallen Roof Ruin Blanding 37.39648, -109.87318
Road Canyon Granaries Blanding 37.39647, -109.8657
Road House Ruin Bluff 37.39947, -109.65119
Roadside Ruin Monticello 38.16363, -109.76039
Robbers Roost Canyon 1 Hanksville 38.32555, -110.51962
Robbers Roost Canyon 2 Hanksville 38.32049, -110.53841
Robidoux Inscription Westwater 39.27628, -109.28745
Robidoux Inscription P1 Westwater 39.27488, -109.28534
Robidoux Inscription P2 Westwater 39.2774, -109.28695
Robidoux Inscription P3 Westwater 39.27799, -109.28418
Rochester Panel Moore 38.90297, -111.1981
Rock House Canyon Petroglyphs Wellington 39.74835, -109.95007
Rubble Pile Mound Ruin Monticello 37.95163, -109.93559
Ruin Arch Price 39.16561, -110.73543
Ruin Canyon Castle Monticello 37.92252, -109.89963
Ruin Canyon Cliff Ruins Monticello 37.93504, -109.90207
Ruin Canyon Granary Monticello 37.93814, -109.90019
Ruin Canyon Junction Ruin Monticello 37.94489, -109.90194
Ruin Canyon Ledge Ruin Monticello 37.92499, -109.89961
Ruin Canyon Left Fork I Monticello 37.91593, -109.87889
Ruin Canyon Left Fork II Monticello 37.91792, -109.87805
Ruin Canyon Left Fork III Monticello 37.91771, -109.8782
Ruin Canyon Left Fork IV Monticello 37.89668, -109.88329
Ruin Park Farmhouse Ruins Monticello 38.00959, -109.91786
Ruin Park Hilltop Ruin Monticello 38.00395, -109.9163
Ruin Park Ruin 4 Monticello 38.01026, -109.91473
Ruin Park Ruin 5 Monticello 38.00952, -109.91727
Ruin Park Ruin 6 Monticello 38.00741, -109.93287
Ruin Park Ruin 7 Monticello 38.01172, -109.91937
Ruin Park Ruin 8 Monticello 38.00683, -109.93276
Ruin Park Village Monticello 38.00489, -109.90953
Salt Creek Canyon  
All American Man Monticello 38.03535, -109.74954
Big Pocket Ruins Monticello 38.00306, -109.7468
High Corner Panel Monticello 38.11016, -109.75768
P1 Monticello 37.98126, -109.74375
Ruin 1 Monticello 37.97801, -109.74046
Ruin 2 Monticello 37.98638, -109.74655
Ruin 3 Monticello 37.99193, -109.73931
Ruin 4 Monticello 37.99899, -109.73783
Ruin 5 & BCS Pics Monticello 38.00452, -109.73868
Ruin 6 Monticello 38.01001, -109.74153
Ruin 7 & Pictographs Monticello 38.0195, -109.74933
Ruin 8 Monticello 38.03472, -109.74872
Shield Panel Monticello 38.11133, -109.76163
Salt Wash Granary Emery 39.0852, -110.81462
Salt Wash P1 Emery 39.06403, -110.84756
Salt Wash P2 Emery 39.06463, -110.84108
Salt Wash P3 Emery 39.06989, -110.84865
Salt Wash P4 Emery 39.06995, -110.84618
Salt Wash P5 Emery 39.07188, -110.84231
Salt Wash P6 Emery 39.07139, -110.8335
Salt Wash P7 Emery 39.07601, -110.83055
San Juan Hill Petroglyphs Bluff 37.21882, -109.69874
San Juan River P1 Bluff 37.2586, -109.62187
San Juan River P2 Bluff 37.25714, -109.62232
San Rafael River P1 Green River 39.1027, -110.82411
San Rafael River P2 Green River 39.08622, -110.77499
San Rafael River Pictographs Green River 39.09418, -110.73307
Sand Hill Panels Bluff 37.29003, -109.58369
Sand Island Petroglyphs Bluff 37.26179, -109.61853
Sand Island Upper Petroglyphs Bluff 37.26259, -109.61053
Sand Island Wooly Mammoth Bluff 37.26376, -109.60426
Sandthrax Petroglyphs Hanksville 38.0169, -110.53232
Sego Canyon Thompson 39.01816, -109.71009
Seven Kiva Ruin Blanding 37.39493, -109.82335
Seven Mile Canyon P1 Moab 38.64692, -109.72412
Seven Mile Canyon P2 Moab 38.63724, -109.73122
Seven Mile Canyon P3 Moab 38.63197, -109.74253
Seven Mile Canyon P4 Moab 38.63065, -109.74328
Seven Mile Canyon P5 Moab 38.62985, -109.74233
Shamans Panal Blanding 37.59505, -109.25699
Shamans Panal Escalante 37.77726, -111.42454
Shay Canyon P1 Monticello 38.00989, -109.53814
Shay Canyon P2 Monticello 38.00933, -109.53981
Shay Canyon P3 Monticello 38.00904, -109.53983
Shay Canyon P4 Monticello 38.00871, -109.54008
Shay Canyon P5 Monticello 38.00835, -109.5406
Shay Canyon P6 Monticello 38.00796, -109.54098
Shay Canyon P7 Monticello 38.00775, -109.54121
Sheiks Canyon Granary 1 Blanding 37.45355, -109.98898
Sheiks Canyon Granary 2 Blanding 37.4543, -109.99345
Sheiks Canyon Granary 3 Blanding 37.45427, -110.00728
Shinarump Point Petroglyphs I Kanab 36.99108, -112.49688
Shinarump Point Petroglyphs II Kanab 36.98868, -112.49856
Shivwits Petroglyphs Gunlock 37.1893, -113.76905
Short Canyon Pictographs 1 Moore 38.97393, -111.08915
Short Canyon Pictographs 2 Moore 38.9699, -111.09408
Sid and Charlie Moore 38.9566, -111.00158
Silent Sentinel Panel Price 39.205, -110.759
Sipapu Granary Blanding 37.61469, -110.01291
Sipapu Pictographs Blanding 37.61559, -110.01422
Slanted Roof Ruin Bluff 37.27389, -109.6476
Snake in the Mouth Moab 38.64788, -109.71896
South Ash Creek Petroglyphs St. George 37.33648, -113.28989
South Canyon Pueblo Monticello 37.94858, -109.94731
South Fork Indain Cyn Pics Kanab 37.06648, -112.64909
Sparks Wall Ruins Monticello 38.04269, -109.59298
Spider Woman Rock Richfield 38.58395, -112.29545
Spirit Canyon Petroglyphs Green River 38.92926, -110.43307
Split Level Ruin Bluff 37.39038, -109.64003
Spring Canyon P1 Green River 39.01921, -110.44774
Spring Canyon P2 Green River 39.01941, -110.44681
Step Canyon 1 Blanding 37.51108, -110.01264
Step Canyon 2 Blanding 37.51113, -110.0129
Stevens Canyon Ruin I Monticello 37.98908, -109.60386
Stevens Canyon Ruin III Monticello 37.97491, -109.62163
Stevens Canyon Ruin III Monticello 37.96421, -109.63245
Stevens Canyon Ruin IV Monticello 37.94923, -109.63938
Summit Petroglyphs Enoch 37.77846, -112.9559
Swelter Shelter Vernal 40.4368, -109.29203
Target Ruin Blanding 37.53172, -109.63841
Tempi'po'op/Anasazi Trail St. George 37.15397, -113.70463
Temple Mountain Pictographs Hanksville 38.66085, -110.66908
The Castle Petroglyphs Blanding 37.41676, -110.3595
The Castle Pictographs Blanding 37.41853, -110.35726
The Castle Ruin Blanding 37.41917, -110.35686
Thirteen Faces Monticello 38.06891, -109.73453
Three Canyon Rock Art Green River 38.70657, -110.12353
Three Finger Canyon Green River 38.8575, -110.46495
Three Finger Canyon Ruin Blanding 37.7019, -109.7508
Three Kings Petroglyphs Vernal 40.53974, -109.62967
Three Kiva Pueblo Blanding 37.56527, -109.2521
TKG Petroglyph Site Green River 39.15706, -110.72206
Todie Canyon Ruin 1 Blanding 37.4867, -109.93452
Todie Canyon Ruin 2 Blanding 37.48804, -109.93713
Todie Canyon Ruin 3 Blanding 37.48917, -109.93851
Todie Canyon Ruin 4 Blanding 37.49145, -109.9502
Todie Canyon Ruin 5 Blanding 37.49179, -109.95322
To-Ko-Chi Cyn Potsherd Scatter Blanding 37.56828, -110.03382
To-Ko-Chi Canyon Ruins Blanding 37.57941, -110.02823
Tower Ruin Blanding 37.58092, -109.6525
Tower Ruin Monticello 38.1184, -109.72567
Trail Canyon Granary Hanksville 38.28359, -110.24315
Tree of Life Panal Green River 38.92187, -110.39293
Triassic Wash P1 Price 39.33276, -110.75065
Triassic Wash P2 Price 39.33227, -110.75055
Triassic Wash P3 Price 39.33274, -110.74989
Triassic Wash P4 Price 39.33273, -110.75004
Turkey Pin Ruin Blanding 37.50946, -109.94731
Two Shields Ruin Blanding 37.55089, -109.24337
Unexpected Panal Green River 38.70389, -110.60988
Upper Sand Island Petroglyphs Bluff 37.26259, -109.61053
Upper Valley Granaries Escalante 37.74205, -111.72211
Virgin River P1 St. George 36.97361, -113.72348
Virgin River P2 St. George 36.97355, -113.73165
Virgin River Panel I St. George 36.97361, -113.72348
Virgin River Panel II St. George 36.97355, -113.73165
Virgin Spring Canyon Pictographs Emery 39.08308, -110.77647
Walnut Knob Blanding 37.54317, -109.67039
Watched Over Ruin Blanding 37.53961, -109.24119
Weavers Cave Escalante 37.76137, -111.41503
White Canyon Alcove Ruin Blanding 37.62186, -109.99652
White Canyon Granaries Blanding 37.63, -109.98253
White Canyon Ledge Ruins Blanding 37.62091, -110.00407
White Canyon Painted Hands Blanding 37.62261, -109.99506
White Canyon Ruins I Blanding 37.62235, -109.99587
White Canyon Ruins II Blanding 37.62868, -109.97652
White Canyon Whiteman Pic Blanding 37.62101, -110.00484
Wildhorse Window Hanksville 38.65328, -110.67647
Wilson Ranch Ruins Monticello 37.98788, -109.61029
Wold Ranch Petroglyphs Moab 38.73738, -109.51833
Wolfman Panel Ruins Bluff 37.27738, -109.64609
Wolfman/Emergence Panel Bluff 37.27458, -109.64634
Yellow House Ruin Blanding 37.45153, -109.98898
Yellow Rock Ruin Bluff 37.48234, -109.66031
Zion Petroglyph Canyon Springdale 37.2262, -112.91072
Zion Southgate Petroglyphs Springdale 37.20536, -112.99018