
Willow Wash Pictographs

Round Trip Distance: 800 feet
Difficulty: Easy
Elevation: 2242 - 2249 feet
Cellphone: 0-3 bars
Time: 30 mins.
Trailhead: Kelbaker Rd. mm 14.2
Fee: none
Attractions: pictographs

The Willow Wash Pictographs are located about 14 miles south of Baker, California along the Kilbaker Road. About 18 white images are found at the site on a single boulder on the west side of the wash.

To get there take the I-15 exit 246 at Baker and turn south onto the Kelbaker Road.

Continue for about 13.9 miles and park on the right after crossing the wash.

After parking hike down the wash for about 350 feet back towards town.

The images are very easy to spot on the west side of the wash.

At the top of the boulder is a robot looking anthropomorphic image, a chain of 3 hollow circles, a desert tortoise and a circle with 4 cardinal rays.

In the middle is a rainbow with the image of something like a sheep with a rake symbol for rain beneath it and another tortoise off to the right. To the left of the rainbow are 3 flying birds.

Lower down is a bow and arrow and a chain of 3 solid circles.

Also present is a tilted spiral square.

The Willow Wash Pictographs make up a small site but they are very much worth taking the time to see. We marked on the map some petroglyphs that you can also check out while in the area. If you would like to see them for yourself then all you have to do is 'Take a hike'.