Round Trip Distance: 0.25 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Elevation: 5233 - 5245 feet
Cellphone: 0-1 bars
Time: 30 mins.
Trailhead: CR-262 & UT-95
Fee: none
Attractions: Dinosaur tracks

The Butler Wash Dinosaur Tracksite is located a short distance off of Utah Highway 95 about 13 miles south of Blanding, Utah. The site includes several faint sets of theropod tracks that were left by two different types of meat-eating dinosaurs more than 160 million years ago during the Jurassic Period.
To get to the trailhead drive 4 miles south of Blanding and turn west onto UT-95 toward Natural Bridges National Monument. Continue for 9.4 miles and turn left onto San Juan County Road 262. CR-262 is generally suitable for 2wd passenger cars.
The trailhead will be on the right about a quarter mile from the highway.
A kiosk at the trailhead is very helpful for getting oriented to the tracksite before setting off on the short trail.
From the parking area follow the trail behind the kiosk to where it drops down to a wash and rejoins the road. The lack of room to park where the road crosses the wash made it necessary to place the trailhead where it is currently located.
As the trail reaches the wash the tracks will be on the slickrock to the right of the road. The tracks that are the furthest away are the easiest ones to identify.
This will give you an idea of how large the tracks are.
Measuring the distance between the tracks gives the stride of the dinosaur from which its size can be estimated.
The other set of tracks are closer to where the trail met the wash. They are much shallower and less distinct but there is one that is a little easier to make out than the others.
While dinosaur tracks are a rare treat they probably occur more than people might think. There are more than 20 different sites that we have come across in the little bit of exploring that we have done. Someone had written in the trail register that they were unable to spot any of the tracks. Studying the photos should give a person a good idea of what they are looking for but there is always the possibility that the tracks might get covered over with sand. Remember that the tracks are protected by law and do everything that you can to avoid any damage. If you would like to see it for yourself then all you have to do is 'Take a hike'.