One-way Distance: 0.6 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
MTB Skill level:

Elevation: 4553 - 4667 feet
Cellphone: 0-3 bars
Time: 30 mins.
Trailhead: Wildflower Lane
Fee: none
Attractions: Singletrack

The Entrada trail is located in the Gateway Trails system in Gateway, Colorado. The lower end of the trail begins off of Wildflower Lane, across the road from the Gateway Canyons Resort & Spa, where it travels up to a point along the Cutler Rim trail. From there hikers and mountain bikers can gain access to any of the other trails in the system.
The Entrada trail departs from Wildflower Lane near the half mile point from the BLM trailhead.
The easy to follow singletrack trail travels south along the base of a hill as it heads away from Wildflower Lane.
The trail begins to climb a little as it wraps around the hill and heads up a side draw.
After a little more climbing the trail crosses a service road near the top of a ridge.
On the other side of the road the trail continues around a bigger hill and passes through a gate. This fence is what probably separates the BLM land from the resorts property.
The rest of the trail traverses its way around the mountain following the natural contours of the landscape.
For a seemingly insignificant trail it has some incredible scenery.
The Entrada trail comes to an end when it meets up with the Cutler Rim trail. Cutler Rim forms a loop that is very similar to the last stretch of the Entrada trail with a dash into and out of the valley below added in. The Entrada trail is a good route to take from the area around the resort to get to most all of the trails in the Gateway Trails system. If you would like to see it for yourself then all you have to do is grab your bike or 'Take a hike'.