The Thunder Trails are located in the Uncompahgre National Forest south of Norwood, Colorado. To get there drive to the west end of Norwood and turn south on Aspen Street. Follow Aspen Street, which turns into CR 42ZS, south for 1 mile and turn right onto Y43 Road. After 1/2 mile turn left onto CR 41.5Y Road and continue south for 1.7 miles. Turn right onto FSR 609 and drive for another 1.2 miles. The Thunder Trails trailhead and parking area will be on the left. The total distance from Norwood is 4.6 miles. Another trailhead is located after another 7.4 miles at the south end of the Thunder Trails area where the Goshorn Loop begins. The total distance to the second trailhead from Norwood is 12 miles. We have included a map that shows the route from Norwood to the trailhead as well as a map of the trails.

One-way distance: 3.9 miles (Moderate)
MTB Skill level:

Elevation: 8056 - 8236 · Fee: none

One-way distance: 5.3 miles (Moderate)
MTB Skill level:

Elevation: 8078 - 8271 · Fee: none

One-way distance: 5.4 miles (Moderate)
MTB Skill level:

Elevation: 7938 - 8132 · Fee: none

One-way distance: 4.6 miles (Moderate)
MTB Skill level:

Elevation: 7731 - 8062 · Fee: none