Round Trip Distance: 0.1 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Elevation: 5871 - 5879 feet
Cellphone: 0-3 bars
Time: 15 mins.
Trailhead: Tsegi Overlook
Fee: none
Attractions: Scenic overlook

The Tsegi Overlook is located along the South Rim Drive in the Canyon de Chelly (pronounced Shay) National Monument near Chinle, Arizona. The location is one of seven overlooks that are spread out along the south rim of the monument. It is also another good place to stop if you are looking to acquire some authentic Navajo crafted goods.
It is 2.3 miles to the Tunnel Canyon Overlook along the South Rim Drive, Indian Route 7, measuring from its intersection with the North Rim Drive.
A kiosk at the overlook explains the etymology of the name Chelly (pronounced Shay). It seems that it is a Spanish-English corruption of the Navajo word Tséyi' which translates to 'Rock Canyon'.
There is an expansive and magnificent view of the canyon from the Tsegi Overlook. The fin of rock in the right center of the photo is named 'Blade Rock'.
A good pair of binoculars can come in handy at the overlooks. Close inspection of the cliffs and alcoves often reveals ruins and rock art. The Tsegi Canyon Overlook is the first along the South Rim Drive that provides such a clear view of a good portion of the canyon. If you would like to see it for yourself then all you have to do is 'Take a hike'.