One-way Distance: 1.6 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Skill level:

Elevation: 5789 - 6019 feet
Cellphone: 4-5 bars
Time: 45 mins.
Trailhead: Glenwood Community Center
Fee: none
Attractions: Fun trail

The Wulfsohn trail is located in the Wulfsohn Mountain Park in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Construction on the trail began in 2006. Since its completion several more trails have been constructed in the park including the Stevie Bob, Vander Hoofin'it, Defiance and Olson trails. Those trails combined with the dirt/ gravel road that passes through the area provide over 7 miles of trails with varying difficulty for hikers, mountain bikers and trail runners to enjoy.
The Wulfsohn trailhead is located in the northeast corner of the parking area for the Glenwood Community Center next to the Community Garden. Google Maps can provide the directions to the trailhead but the easiest approach is to turn off of Midland Avenue onto the Wulfsohn Road and follow it to the Community Center. Many of the locals simply begin riding from their homes along Glenwoods streets and other bike routes to get to the trailhead rather than bothering to drive there.
The trail starts out by skirting the Community Garden as it heads west. Within about one hundred yards the trail kisses up against the Wulfsohn Mountain Park Road where it then veers to the left and cuts across the gently sloping grassy hillside toward the red mountains.
At the base of the mountain the Wulfsohn trail turns to the right. The Olson trail that travels around the base of the mountain to the Red Mountain/Jeanne Golay trailhead branches off to the left at this point.
As the trail makes the right turn it has a sudden gain in elevation that can catch the unaware mountain biker off guard. After that initial bump in elevation the trail becomes much gentler as it continues northwestward.
Much of the trail passes through thick stands of gambel oak. Be aware that there are deer, bear and mountain lion that frequent the area and depending on the time of day may be encountered on the trails.
At the half mile point from the trailhead the Wulfsohn trail passes its first intersection with the Defiance trail which branches off on the left.
Within another tenth of a mile, at the 0.56 mile point, the Wulfsohn trail crosses the Wulfsohn Mountain Park Road at a quasi 4-way intersection where the Stevie Bob trail is to the right and the Vander Hoofin'it trail is on the left.
The next stretch of the trail is a wide shallow packed gravel double-track. The double-track continues until the Wulfsohn trail once again crosses the road where it returns to a red dirt singletrack.
As the trail continues on the singletrack it passes the junction of a spur trail that leads a short distance down to the Stevie Bob trail. At the 1.28 mile point it comes to where the northern end of the Defiance trail branches off on the left.
Just past the junction with the Defiance trail is another junction with the Stevie Bob trail. Stay to the left at this point to remain on the Wulfsohn trail.
From the last trail junction the trail sweeps around the hill and drops down to a road overlooking Midland Avenue. This is also the starting point for the north end of the Stevie Bob trail. In many ways the Wulfsohn trail and its companions have been a long time coming but now that they have been completed it is time to enjoy them. We didn't know of any trail maps available so we made the one on the right to print out and take along. The skill levels for each of the trails are our own opinions which are not necessarily expert. If you would like to see it for yourself then all you have to do is grab your bike or 'Take a hike'.